
Discovering The Phinery’s website was a dream come true for me. Painters were coming to paint my house and I needed some quick guidance about paint color, had not found the right decorator for me yet. I searched The Phinery’s webpage under services and found exactly what I needed, a one-hour flat fee service appointment to assist me with paint color selections. I made the appointment online selecting a date and time that would work for me. Three days later Rebecca showed up to my condo to assist me with color selections. Rebecca arrived organized and prepared; the process was efficient. Within one hour I had selected every paint color I needed to paint my entire condo and kitchen cabinets. Rebecca’s ideas were fresh and creative, my condo looked beautiful a couple of weeks later. I reviewed The Phinery’s service once again and decided I would love to have Rebecca return for the Interior Design Session. I loved the process and the next day Rebecca sent me a report of design notes from our discussions and recommendations include sourcing links, specs, and inspiration photos.
I intend to execute our plan, leaning on Rebecca for additional assistance and guidance when needed. For someone on a budget or unlimited funds it is a perfect way to access an interior decorator!

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